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Torah on Tap

Torah on Tap: Tu BiShvat and Environmental Justice
Thursday, February 27 | 6 PM | River North

Location information will be given upon registration. 

Celebrate Tu BiShvat, the "New Year of the Trees", with an evening of conversation about environmental justice and Jewish teachings on caring for the Earth. Together, we'll explore the connection between the Tu BiShvat's themes of renewal and sustainability, and how our tradition calls us to protect and preserve the natural world. 

The cost for this program is $12 for members and $18 for non-members.

This event is for young adults ages 21-39. If you are not 21-39 years old, please email Jordana Hoffman at to learn about opportunities that may be right for you!

Personal Information
Please enter the names of each person in your party.
Chicago Sinai Congregation cherishes our events and vibrant community that makes them possible. To celebrate and share these moments, we use photos from Sinai programs in our marketing. If you prefer not to be featured in those materials, please contact Gianna DeMase at
Wed, February 12 2025 14 Sh'vat 5785